Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about the Global Innovation Research Journal and submission processes here.

When is the Global Innovation Research Journal submission deadline?

Submissions are open year-round; there are no specific deadlines for submission. Global Innovation Research Journal accepts submissions throughout the year. Our publication schedule involves releasing issues online every three months as we finalize the review and placement processes.

Should my submission include the name of my mentor/teacher?

Including an adult supervisor, teacher, or mentor as an author on your paper is not mandatory. If they have significantly contributed to the research, their involvement can be acknowledged, but they must be clearly designated as a supervisor, teacher, mentor, etc. Student names should be placed first and labeled as such. Nonetheless, it is advisable to have a mentor, teacher, or professional who can offer guidance throughout the publication process.

Who should be listed as the author on submissions?

The determination of the work’s authors should be made prior to submission for publication. Any person who has been actively engaged in research design, idea development, research work, data analysis, and manuscript prep should be recognized as an author. It's important to note that the list of authors and their order cannot be modified once an article has been accepted for publication. The corresponding author bears the responsibility for all communications with the editor and any future inquiries from readers once the article is published.

How much does it cost to have my business research published?

Submitting an article to the Global Innovation Research Journal is free of charge. However, upon acceptance for publication, a publication fee of $250 is applicable. This fee is requested to help support our editing and publication resources.

If you have unique circumstances that you believe may qualify you for a publication scholarship, please reach out to the editor who contacts you directly for further discussion.

Are there any page limits for publication?

No, there are no limits on any articles, works, and papers.

How should I cite sources?

All citations must adhere to the APA format. Papers cited in any other format will not be eligible for publication. It is essential that each reference to another author's work includes a superscript number for in-text citations corresponding to the entry in your "References" section. All students are responsible for ensuring their work is accurately and consistently cited.

What is the expected text/format/style of submissions?

You can see all expectations for submissions on our Submission Guidelines page here.

What are the remaining steps in the publication process once my paper is submitted?

a) The Editor-in-Chief conducts a thorough review of the submitted article, assessing its adherence to proper formatting, styling, plagiarism (via Turnitin), and citation guidelines. If any format-related issues are identified, the author may be requested to address these concerns. 

b) Once the article's format aligns with the requirements, the Editor proceeds to evaluate its scientific rigor and suitability for publication. If the Editor deems the research to be scientifically sound, the paper is then sent to two or more external reviewers with expertise in the relevant field for their impartial scientific assessment.

c) Reviewers may request revisions before the paper can be approved for publication, or in some cases, the paper may not be accepted for publication. Based on the feedback from the reviewers, the Editor may request the necessary revisions to enhance the paper's quality prior to acceptance.

d) After the revisions are submitted, and the paper is fully accepted, the publication fee will be invoiced. Payment can be made via credit card, and a payment link will be forwarded to your provided email address. 

e) Once the publication fee is settled (or a scholarship is granted), the paper is entrusted to copy editors for final formatting and placement within the Global Innovation Research Journal. 

f) The duration of this entire process may vary, typically spanning between 4 to 8 months. The timeline is contingent on the extent of revisions required and how promptly authors can resubmit their revised work.